

After a late night Christmas Eve the kids slept in till 7:30 am on Christmas Day-thank goodness!  Ellie was anxious to open her gifts but wanted to wait till Vy, Uncle Danny and Grandpa Paul got here.  She snooped around and found her Christmas gifts-the American Girl book sets in the garage.  Fortunately we were able to keep the Santa gift a surprise.  The look on her face when she opened it was priceless!  Tai was a bit overwhelmed with all of the presents.  He did not want to partake in the unwrapping of the gifts.  He was happy with a little airplane that Grandpa Paul got for him.  I'm sure he's going to appreciate Christmas a lot more next year.

Hmmmm....Santa left some shotgun shells in Ellie's stocking

Where's the party mama?

Tai Tai checking out his gifts

Not quite sure what to do with the presents.

Ellie waiting for sissy to come so she can open presents.

A life size doll-the little sister Ellie always wanted.

Tai found something he likes under the table.

What every girl wants for Christmas!

Santa was GOOD to Ellie this year!

Pure JOY!

Perfect timing-auntie Tina called just as Ellie opened her gift from the Anands.

Ellie gave Vy body wash...hint hint.

I wonder where Vy likes to shop.

Tai loves his little airplane from Grandpa Paul.

Ellie wasted no time to play with her Wii.

Vy couldn't resist herself.