

What a crazy busy weekend!
Saturday morning started the same as usual with gymnastic at 8:30am (YIKES) and jazz at 11:30am. In between gymnastic and jazz I managed to squeezed in some work and a little grocery shopping for Tet. Oh and a quick stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond to pick up a vegetable steamer and a hand blender to make baby food for Tai.  All this before noon!  
Ellie called me out for not watching her in gymnastic.  I denied it...so she pointed out that every time she looked over my way I was preoccupied with the computer.  What can I say....GUILTY!  I was there...isn't that enough?  
While at jazz I received a phone call from our Little Flower Girl leader asking if I have gotten the message that there's a field trip to the West Covina Fire Station at 2pm?  Of course not!  I haven't been checking my personal emails in days.  So after jazz we rushed home to change our clothes & off we go to meet up with the other Little Flower Girls.  As I pulled out of our driveway I received  a phone call from my hair dresser telling me that I have an appointment with her half an hour ago!   I have forgotten all about the appointment because I did not put it on my calendar.  She graciously rescheduled me for next Fri.  Normally she would make me wait for weeks for another appointment...that's her way of punishing me for missing an appointment.  
Tai came with Ellie and I on the field trip.  He stayed in his stroller and watched everyone contently.  The fire fighters were so nice & friendly.  They showed us around the station and talked about safety rules, what they do and how everything work.  It was a pretty informative visit.  The kids really enjoyed the up close look at the fire engines.  The moms really enjoyed the up close look at the fire fighters....are there any unattractive fire fighters?  
I was so excited to get home and make applesauce with my new blender & steamer.  I love it!  I wish Tai would like to the eat the applesauce as much as I like making it.  He was mad...really mad.  Ellie on the other hand LOVED it!  Maybe the apples were too tart?  
Kevin planed a date night for us so after a quick lunch the kids and I rushed home.  Grandma Norma was kind enough to watch the kids so we can go out to dinner.  The original plan also included a movie but being that we are both so sleep deprived we figured we shouldn't be too ambitious and just stick with dinner.  We went to the Crab Pot in Long Beach and it was delicious!  We came home just in time for me to cung for Tet.  What a day!
Chuc Mung Nam Moi!
Sunday morning is for vegging in bed before church.  
After lunch and more grocery shopping I came home and baked for Tet.  I baked the Beatty's chocolate cake with whipped cream, fresh strawberries and raspberries...the only cake I know how to make that's not from a box.   I also tried out a new recipe for red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting in honor of V-day.  I still need to work on this one...something is not quite right.
Love my mixer!  
We got together with our Vietnamese family at bac Tam's house for Tet.  The kids got their li-xi from the aunts and uncles.  There were so much food-
bun rieu
cha gio
com ga
banh coun
gio thu
mien xao cua va  tom
ca ri
I'm doing this to torture my sister who I know will be reading this!
Tai was quite the hit in his Chinese outfit.  Ellie and Jessie wore their ao dai.  The girls really enjoyed each other...they were inseparable.
Happy President Day!
I'm so glad I work for a conservative and patriotic company!  I think we are one of the few private companies that get President Day off.  It was a wonderful day.  I took two naps with Tai...short naps.  We went to Target so Ellie can spend her li-xi money and did some more grocery shopping.
Vy and I cooked up a storm for the week.  
Wednesday-Grandma Norma's famous rice and chicken casserole
Thursday-lemon pepper chicken and potatoes
For tonight we made lentil soup and hamburger helper.  I offered to cook whatever Ellie wanted and she wanted hamburger helper!  That was easy.
It is now 11:49 pm and I'm exhausted.  This is pretty much our typical weekend.  CRAZINESS!  
It's this CRAZINESS that gets me up every morning.
It's this CRAZINESS that I rushed home to every day.
      It is this CRAZINESS that I thank GOD for every night.