
Celebrating the big 41!

The Birthday boy wanted tacos and blueberry pie for his Birthday.  So that's what we had to celebrate our favorite guy turning 41.  

A perfect Sunday Brunch

We stopped by one of my favorite restaurant in Cambria-Robin's for brunch before leaving town on Sunday.  The weather was perfect & it was so nice eating in the garden.  Their beautiful garden was a lovely back drop for lots of pictures.

It's a family affair...

On Sunday 4/10/11father and daughter participated in the 15th Annual Wine Country Runs.  Ellie ran the Grape Stomp (1/2 mile) and Kevin ran the 1/2 marathon.  We are very proud of them both!  Ellie is planning on training for the 5k next year soon.  I'm already nervous for her!

Wine tasting

We drove into Paso Robles on Sat to pick up Kevin's & Ellie's packet for their Wine Country Runs.  Since we were in Paso Robles we had to do some wine tasting...we as in Grandma & me.  Kev and Grandpa Paul watched the kids as they rolled and run around on the grass.

Ellie tasting the grape juice at Castero Vinyard.


The kids checking out our "ocean view"....more like a glimpse of the ocean!  They had a blast playing on the beach across from our hotel.  It was hard tearing Tai away from the water.